A love letter to students


I see you in the forest, in the sunlight and through the trees .... I miss you. I love you. I’m holding you in my heart, now and always. 

Memories of your brilliant smiles, laughter, and excitement to create continue to fill my heart with so much joy! The warm hugs, silly gestures and sounds we each made walking into the classroom because we greatly missed each other since the last time. Little 'ah-ha' moments of discovery and sharing with each other, knowing we are surrounded by unconditional love and support. There are only a few rules ... 1. wear an apron if you sit in the front row of my demos 2. be filled with curiosity, awe and wonder, and open to all possibilities 3. think and speak of yourself with kindness and positivity. 4. Respect and honour your individuality ... your amazing, unique and natural way of mark-making/seeing/thinking. 5. Always learning!

Trust and remember this…. We will fill a room with laughter, and create together, once again. Of course, we don't know what we don't know right now, but as always, I remain hopeful, positive and determined. 

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